This page contains Summary Notes that I would use when going over how I load Mint 17 Xfce with someone else. If a system is 3 to 7 years old, then usually this would be my OS of choice for such equipment.
To do the below install of Linux Mint, use the Mint 17 Xfce live boot. (Just let the Mint 17 DVD or USB boot to the desktop.)
→ From the Terminal (“Menu” icon » Xfce Terminal) run (copy & paste) the following command:
sudo apt-get install squid-deb-proxy-client
… Make certain “-client” is at the end of the above command! (Don't install a 2nd .deb proxy server!)
Please Note: The above will only provide a .deb files proxy while the Live Boot is running. (Only until it is shut down or rebooted.) Which is why this would then need to be re-installed in the (just installed) Computer System OS.
New Partition Table…
buttonfree space
line for the Hard Drive.Size:
= the (given) Drive Size - the (above) Swap Size valuePrimary
partition typeBeginning of this space
Use as:
→ Ext4 journalling file system
Mount point:
to → /
free space
line for the Hard Drive.Size:
given → this should be 2050 MB (give or take 1 MB)Logical
partition typeBeginning of this space
Use as:
to → swap area
Device for boot loader installation:
(Look for correct size of drive.)Install Now
buttonWhere are you?
→ Type the correct city to select the desired City/Time-zoneKeyboard Layout
to → English (US) OR Select the correct Keyboard Layout
for your hardware.Your Name:
→ I leave this blankPick a username:
→ I set this to ownerYour computer's name:
→ REMOVE the leading owner- from the generated nameChoose a password
→ set this to passwordConfirm your password
→ again enter passwordLog in automatically
Now sit back and “watch the slideshow” as Mint 17 Xfce loads (… and loads … and loads).
Restart Now
button on the pop-up window